Thursday, June 5, 2008

Movement - Part 5, Finally! - Until Next Year...

Sorry for the absence. I now have a full time job outside of the home, whereas before this week, I was a full time, stay at home Mom. There are so many ways that I am diverging from the traditional path of a fieldworker, and now having a full time job is yet another. But, I must remember that the traditional fieldwork story that some of us hold in our minds is probably not that typical as ethnographic disciplines, like ethnomusicology, anthropology, and folklore, continue to change over time. Working in Detroit is just one more way that I can learn about Detroit and experience life immersed in this city.

I will try to finish up my notes about the festival tonight in this post. By far, the star of the day was Soundmurderer, Todd Osborne. I had never heard him play before, he was excellent. He was playing at the Red Bull stage, the sound was great over there by the Detroit river at the back corner of Hart Plaza. I have been hearing about him for a while, and saw him talk on the panel at Submerge for the Red Bull Music Academy event about a month or so ago. He, along with Brian Gillespie do the monthly Family event at Oslo. There were a couple of excellent dancers with a square of linoleum taped down to the concrete for jit competitions. It was such an interesting crowd over there - lots of dancers, way more ethnic diversity than at any of the other stages that day. Along with Nick Speed Collection and Buzz Goree, Soundmurderer played music that sounded so new and different to me, but still along the lines of other forms of electronic dance music.

I think I am too tired to write this post properly. The rest of Monday was pretty exhausting and a bit boring - by that point in the weekend, many of the sounds were just blending together way too much for my little ears.

Didn't go out Monday night, we just went home to watch basketball and drink a beer.

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